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  • The spatially explicit water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI*) is an indicator of crop performance based on the availability of water to the crop during a growing season. FAO studies have shown that WRSI can be related to crop productivity using a linear yield-reduction function specific to a crop (FAO, 1977; FAO, 1979; FAO, 1999). Later, Verdin and Klaver (2002) and Senay and Verdin (2003) demonstrated a regional implementation of WRSI in a grid cell based modeling environment. WRSI for a season is based on the water supply and demand a crop experiences during a growing season. It is calculated as the ratio of seasonal actual evapotranspiration (AET) to the seasonal crop water requirement (WR). AET WRSI = --------------- * 100 WR Read more here http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/fews/product/126 * Originally developed by FAO, the WRSI has been adapted and extended by USGS in a geospatial application to support FEWS NET monitoring requirements. References FAO, 1977. Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24, by Doorenbos J and W.O. Pruitt. FAO, Rome, Italy. FAO, 1979. Agrometeorological crop monitoring and forecasting. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper No. 17, by M. Frère and G.F. Popov. FAO, Rome, Italy. FAO, 1999. Early Agrometeorological crop yield forecasting. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper No. 73, by M. Frère and G.F. Popov. FAO, Rome, Italy. Senay, G.B. and J. Verdin, 2003. Characterization of Yield Reduction in Ethiopia Using a GIS-Based Crop Water Balance Model. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 687-692. Verdin, J. and R. Klaver, 2002. Grid cell based crop water accounting for the famine early warning system. Hydrological Processes, 16:1617-1630.

  • The spatially explicit water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI*) is an indicator of crop performance based on the availability of water to the crop during a growing season. FAO studies have shown that WRSI can be related to crop productivity using a linear yield-reduction function specific to a crop (FAO, 1977; FAO, 1979; FAO, 1999). Later, Verdin and Klaver (2002) and Senay and Verdin (2003) demonstrated a regional implementation of WRSI in a grid cell based modeling environment. WRSI for a season is based on the water supply and demand a crop experiences during a growing season. It is calculated as the ratio of seasonal actual evapotranspiration (AET) to the seasonal crop water requirement (WR). AET WRSI = --------------- * 100 WR Read more here http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/fews/product/126 * Originally developed by FAO, the WRSI has been adapted and extended by USGS in a geospatial application to support FEWS NET monitoring requirements. References FAO, 1977. Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24, by Doorenbos J and W.O. Pruitt. FAO, Rome, Italy. FAO, 1979. Agrometeorological crop monitoring and forecasting. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper No. 17, by M. Frère and G.F. Popov. FAO, Rome, Italy. FAO, 1999. Early Agrometeorological crop yield forecasting. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper No. 73, by M. Frère and G.F. Popov. FAO, Rome, Italy. Senay, G.B. and J. Verdin, 2003. Characterization of Yield Reduction in Ethiopia Using a GIS-Based Crop Water Balance Model. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 687-692. Verdin, J. and R. Klaver, 2002. Grid cell based crop water accounting for the famine early warning system. Hydrological Processes, 16:1617-1630.

  • This GOES satellite image from NOAA depicts the location of Tropical Depression 12-E. This image is from 12 October 2011 at 6:45 AM, Guatemala local time.

  • Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) surface extent data for Lake Atitlan in GIS format for March 3, 1994 (ZIP of .shp files). Area in hectares = 12308.29

  • Satellite data from CMORPH shows accumulated precipitation for the week of 12-18 September that exceeds 200 millimeters, mainly in the Departments of Usulutan, San Miguel, Cuscatlan, and San Salvador, El Salvador.

  • According to accumulated rainfall data from CMORPH , during the week of 4-10 September, rainfall over 200 mm has been registered, mainly in the Republic of Guatemala (Department of Izabal), in Belize (Toledo district) and in Panama (Azuero peninsula, Los Santos Province). In the daily precipitation of 4-10 September, the location of Tropical Storm María is shown, north of Puerto Rico. This data also shows that the storm hasnt left a significant amount of accumulated precipitation in the Caribbean countries.

  • This animation depicts the population density in Central America and the Caribbean with extrusion columns and the accumulated rainfall 1-16 October 2011.

  • This image from the AVHRR-3 sensor shows the wind conditions at surface level for 12 September. The speed of Tropical Storm Maria can be appreciated in the image (in yellow): 23 knots, or 42.55 km/h.

  • The precipitation anomalies map shows in red the areas that exceeded 1,000 millimeters from the precipitation historic average for the time period of January-September.

  • Using Formosat-2 satellite images*, visible damages have been detected in the populated areas of Guadalupe, El Salvador. Formosat images © 2010 Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, National Cheng Kung University; Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan; Global Earth Observation and Data Analysis Center (GEODAC), Taiwan.